This Is A Warning...

by Connor.

So, we have this new site now... and we have two people (and possibly a third) for it, so I'm going to take this time to say something about the new posts.

Not all, but some posts and links will be a little more... not-PG rated then the ones before, so to protect people... we're doing two things:

If you see this warning before a post:

(WARNING: THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE MAY MAKE SMALL CHILDREN'S EYES ROT OUT OF THEIR SOCKETS [RATED-R]) that means it's a (quote, unquote) naughty post, and by that, I just mean there might be some curse words (not gratuitous mind you, but just some, which is more than it used to be).

If you see this next to a link: (ZOMG RATED-R) it's the same as above, just SOME cursing.

Well, thanks for sticking around, one of the new posters, Gabe, will probably be making and introductory post soon, and in a week or two we will have the regular daily posts going!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Connor I'm still around and looking at your Blog. Not everyday because I have been busy. This new set up will take awhile for me to get use to.