Alan & Lloyd


by Connor

Three things to touch and feel and love on:

My student short film, 'Alan & Lloyd' is now on the
internets. You can play it, above. It's twenty minutes long, though, so make sure you have twenty minutes. Here is the description I put on vimeo for it:

"This is one of two versions of mine and Will Boesl's student film "Alan & Lloyd". The other is just this version, minus two fifths, with an abbreviated credits, and some small audio changes. Overall, the "Contest Cut" (which is what we call the other version) is far less superior and you aren't missing out on anything.

It's hard to explain what this is about. I doesn't have a main story, but a bunch of small stories. I guess it's about two friends hanging out in a car. There, that's enough of a synopsis."

Also I mention to check out this site in the description, but that would be redundant. Also I mention mine and Will's myspace, so go there. Also we got Amir Blumenfeld of beingfamous and Jake and Amir fame to do a small voice over for it, and you should check out his site(s). Also also also.

The second thing is that the zazzle store is back up, with a new shirt, and this time, if you buy from the store, I GET MONEY. SO DO IT. NOW. (You probably won't understand the shirt without reading this thread on FCF) Here's a link to the store (it's also up at the top right)

Thirdly a new episode of the podcast is up. I'll be modifying the site for it to include the url for the iTunes podcast, so if you would rather be subscribed to it, then click here and get the link (or look above the store link), or click here to open it in iTunes.

P.S. New article coming this week.

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